Transfer Agent – Paying Agent – Fiscal Agent – Calculation Agent – Listing Agent

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Investors services through Luxembourg

The reception and execution of subscription and redemption from investors is subject to compliance with applicable laws, regulations and other rules to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, including rules and regulations concerning “Know Your Customer” (KYC) procedures.

Subscription, redemption, and switching orders  are processed by the Transfer Agent ( which can be the Issuer itself or an delegated entity ) on the relevant investment vehicle's net asset value calculation date and confirmations are dispatched according to the communication means specified by the applicant.

The Paying Agent will execute the following tasks:

  • collection of subscriptions;

  • payment of redemptions;

  • monitoring of interest due dates;

  • obtention of ISIN;

  • reception of debt securities issued;

  • organisation of eligibility for central clearing system (Clearstream and Euroclear); and

  • securities delivery execution via Delivery versus Payment and Free of Payment methods.

  • be a Common Depositary of the Global Certificate representing the securities for ICSDs like Euroclear and Clearstream.

  • process the payment of the investment vehicle's dividends or interest and their (automatic) distribution to the entitled shareholders / unitholders.

Financial centers in Europe. The Listing Agent is the "link" between the market (the stock exchange) and the Issuer.

The Fiscal Agent will execute the following tasks:

Within the process the payment of dividends or interest to the investors, the Issuer or the Fund shall make distributions to shareholders / bondholders which are subject to :

  • a reporting (Fatca, Common Reporting Standard, other specific reporting required by the state of residence of the investor)

  • a withholding tax at source (due by the Issuer on a distribution, due to under a specific tax treaty, etc)

The Fiscal Agent will :

  • prepare the report or the tax return on behalf of the Issuer,

  • assess the amount of tax to be withheld at source by the Issuer

  • organise the payment on due date to the tax authorities

  • verify the correct assessment of tax due

  • represent the Issuer in its relations with the tax authorities

  • may advice the Issuer on compliance with the relevant laws

The Role of Calculation Agent

Its role is to calculate the interest due for the payment period based on predetermined terms and conditions of the issuance of the security.

The Calculation Agent will inform all the relevant parties, provide a detail of the Calculation of the interest due for fixed yield bonds or based on the formula for variable or floating interest securities or the return on Asset Backed Securities.

The Role of Listing Agent

Its role is to act as listing agent for issues listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, one of the most attractive financial centers in Europe. The Listing Agent is the "link" between the market (the stock exchange) and the Issuer.

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One of our advisors will be in contact to discuss your requirements in further detail.

All your personal information will strictly be used by Creatrust for professional purposes. To access, modify, rectify and delete your data, please contact Creatrust at: 2C, Parc d’Activités – L-8308 Capellen - G.D. Luxembourg